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paxosHighMark - Variable in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.util.TOMConfiguration
PaxosMessage - Class in bftsmart.consensus.messages
This class represents a message used in the paxos protocol.
PaxosMessage() - Constructor for class bftsmart.consensus.messages.PaxosMessage
Creates a paxos message.
PaxosMessage(int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class bftsmart.consensus.messages.PaxosMessage
Creates a paxos message.
PaxosMessage(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class bftsmart.consensus.messages.PaxosMessage
Creates a paxos message.
port - Variable in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.util.HostsConfig.Config
println(String) - Static method in class bftsmart.tom.util.Logger
println2(Logger, String) - Static method in class bftsmart.tom.util.Logger
processData(SystemMessage) - Method in class bftsmart.communication.MessageHandler
processId - Variable in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.util.Configuration
processJoinResult(ReconfigureReply) - Method in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.ServerViewController
processMessage(PaxosMessage) - Method in class bftsmart.consensus.roles.Acceptor
Called when a Paxos message is received or when a out of context message must be processed.
processOutOfContext(Execution) - Method in class bftsmart.consensus.executionmanager.ExecutionManager
processOutOfContext() - Method in class bftsmart.tom.core.TOMLayer
processOutOfContextPropose(Execution) - Method in class bftsmart.consensus.executionmanager.ExecutionManager
Proof - Class in bftsmart.consensus.messages
Proof(SignedObject[], byte[]) - Constructor for class bftsmart.consensus.messages.Proof
Creates a new instance of Proof
proof - Variable in class bftsmart.consensus.Round
PROPOSE - Static variable in class bftsmart.consensus.messages.MessageFactory
Proposer - Class in bftsmart.consensus.roles
This class represents the proposer role in the consensus protocol.
Proposer(ServerCommunicationSystem, MessageFactory, ServerViewController) - Constructor for class bftsmart.consensus.roles.Proposer
Creates a new instance of Proposer
proposeReceived(Round, PaxosMessage) - Method in class bftsmart.consensus.roles.Acceptor
Called when a PROPOSE message is received or when processing a formerly out of context propose which is know belongs to the current execution.
proposeReceivedTime - Variable in class bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage
propValue - Variable in class bftsmart.consensus.Round
propValueHash - Variable in class bftsmart.consensus.Round
put(String, Map<String, byte[]>) - Method in class bftsmart.demo.bftmap.BFTMap
put(String, List<String>) - Method in class bftsmart.demo.listvalue.BFTList
putAll(Map) - Method in class bftsmart.demo.bftmap.BFTMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class bftsmart.demo.listvalue.BFTList
putEntry(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class bftsmart.demo.bftmap.BFTMap
putEntry(String, String) - Method in class bftsmart.demo.listvalue.BFTList