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lastEid - Variable in class bftsmart.statemanagement.strategy.BaseStateManager
lastEid - Variable in class bftsmart.tom.server.defaultservices.DefaultApplicationState
LastEidData - Class in bftsmart.tom.leaderchange
Data about the last consensus decision
LastEidData() - Constructor for class bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LastEidData
Empty constructor
LastEidData(int, int, byte[], Set<PaxosMessage>) - Constructor for class bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LastEidData
lastView - Variable in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.ViewController
LatencyClient - Class in bftsmart.demo.microbenchmarks
Example client that updates a BFT replicated service (a counter).
LatencyClient() - Constructor for class bftsmart.demo.microbenchmarks.LatencyClient
LatencyServer - Class in bftsmart.demo.microbenchmarks
Simple server that just acknowledge the reception of a request.
LatencyServer(int, int, int) - Constructor for class bftsmart.demo.microbenchmarks.LatencyServer
LCManager - Class in bftsmart.tom.leaderchange
This class implements a manager of information related to the leader change protocol It also implements some predicates and methods necessary for the protocol.
LCManager(TOMLayer, ServerViewController, MessageDigest) - Constructor for class bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LCManager
LCMessage - Class in bftsmart.tom.leaderchange
Message used during leader change and synchronization
LCMessage() - Constructor for class bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LCMessage
Empty constructor
LCMessage(int, int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LCMessage
leader - Variable in class bftsmart.tom.server.defaultservices.CommandsInfo
leader - Variable in class bftsmart.tom.util.DebugInfo
LeaderModule - Class in bftsmart.consensus.executionmanager
This class manages information about the leader of each round of each consensus
LeaderModule() - Constructor for class bftsmart.consensus.executionmanager.LeaderModule
Creates a new instance of LeaderModule
leave() - Method in class bftsmart.tom.ServiceReplica
This method makes the replica leave the group
lm - Variable in class bftsmart.tom.core.TOMLayer
loadDurableState() - Method in class bftsmart.tom.server.defaultservices.DiskStateLog
loadDurableState() - Method in class bftsmart.tom.server.defaultservices.durability.DurableStateLog
loadPrivateKey() - Method in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.util.RSAKeyLoader
Loads the private key of this process
loadPublicKey(int) - Method in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.util.RSAKeyLoader
Loads the public key of some processes from configuration files
loadPublicKey() - Method in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.util.RSAKeyLoader
lock - Variable in class bftsmart.consensus.executionmanager.Execution
logger - Static variable in class bftsmart.demo.bftmap.BFTMapClientCloudFIT
Logger - Class in bftsmart.tom.util
Logger() - Constructor for class bftsmart.tom.util.Logger
logToDisk() - Method in class bftsmart.reconfiguration.util.TOMConfiguration
LVClient - Class in bftsmart.demo.listvalue
LVClient() - Constructor for class bftsmart.demo.listvalue.LVClient
LVRequestType - Class in bftsmart.demo.listvalue
LVRequestType() - Constructor for class bftsmart.demo.listvalue.LVRequestType